Tuesday, January 29, 2008

How to blow up an aircraft

Thanks to the magic of YouTube, we soon won't be able to buy gummy bears and other sugary candies in airport gift shops. Granted, I don't think anyone is trying to ban them just yet, but a YouTube video let out a secret about our gelatinous little friends that only a select few — namely chemists and other scientists — knew before.

Potassium chlorate + gummy bear + catalyst (e.g. heat, sulfuric acid, etc.) --> Scary, scary stuff.

Yeah, I know: Where is that potassium chlorate going to come from, hmm? Well, if you look hard enough, I'm sure you can find some. Of course, I'm not going to link to any potential source here, since I enjoy my status as a non-terrorist and — most importantly — I plan to keep it that way.*

To read more about the reaction itself, click here. But please, if you do decide to conduct this experiment yourself, do so in the safety of a chemistry lab or other place with proper methods of disposal.

And never — under any circumstances — conduct this experiment on an airplane.**

*Really, how could I update my blog from jail?
**If for some reason you do, remember: You didn't get the idea from me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for the gummy bear...